【同义词辨析】 2019-12-02 说谎lie-equivocate

lie: is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty to the speaker: to ~ under oath is a serious crime. (blunt两个意思 1、钝的without a sharp edge or point,如a blunt knife刀子,如the police said he had been hit with a blunt instrument警方说他遭到了器袭击 2、直言不讳saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite,如she has a reputation for blunt speaking她说话出了名的直截了当,如to be blunt, your work is appalling直言不讳地说,你干的活糟透了,如she is blunt about her personal life她对自己的个人生活直言不讳)

prevaricate: softens the bluntness of lie by implying a quibbling or an evading or confusing of the issue: during the hearings the witness did his best to ~.    quibble为琐事争执、发牢骚a small argument, complaint or criticism, especially one that is not important,如council members spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution委员会成员一整天都在为决议的最终措词争论不休,如minor quibbles牢骚)   (遁词,指理屈词穷或不愿吐露真意时,用来支吾搪塞的话,如孟子“邪辞知其所离,遁辞知其所穷” ,表示”邪曲的言论,知道它背离正道的地方;躲闪的言论,知道它理屈辞穷的地方)

equivocate: implies the using of ambiguous words in an attempt to mislead or deceive: ~d, dodged questions, and generally misled her inquisitors.  侧步闪开、避开     盘问者、检察官、(天主教审问异端的) 裁判人

palter: implies the making of unreliable statements of fact or intention or insincere promises: a cad ~ing with a naive, young girl.   这个词发音和中文的”拍拖“很像,但意思刚好相反,拍拖原为珠江口一带航运俗语。珠江口航运发达,通常大船载货并'拖'小船一艘,主航道大拖小;近岸时河道变窄,此时小船便卸货上岸,和大船并列,粤语中将靠在一起称之为‘拍’。后来粤语中拍拖形象地比喻男女恋爱时的互相关心难分难舍       无礼之人,无赖

fib: applies to the telling of a trivial untruth: ~bed about the price of the suit.

lie欺骗: 最直言不讳,直接指责说话者不诚实,prevaricate说谎遁词: 比上词委婉一些,指躲闪混淆牢骚,即说遁词,equivocate欺骗模棱两可: 指故意说有歧义的话,为了误导欺骗,palter欺骗敷衍: 表示说话不可靠许诺不真诚,fib撒小谎: 指谎言微不足道

记忆方法: 1)首字母LPEPF分配了配额<==说谎

         2)说谎的意思是不真实mean to tell an untruth.